Simplicity by Limitation

Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont

Most of the time, simplicity isn't just a style; in this case, it's a necessity. My 10-year-old computer can't handle complex drawings with many lines well. Using fewer lines in a simple composition helps my computer run better, allowing me to add complexity to the details.

I believe there may be more optimization methods to make these drawings even more complex through algorithmic efficiency, without slowing down my old computer or requiring an upgrade. For now, as part of my art therapy process, since I am not a tech expert, I take the simplest approach to dealing with these technical issues. This involves creating a clean and simple composition, which allows me to add complexity to the details. Keeping the overall design simple lets me explore different ways to mix various line types in my work.

Saranont Limpananont 

*These sketches were made using Processing, visual art, and interactive media programming language.

Portrait #A100 | Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont

Portrait #A094 | Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont

Portrait #A099 | Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont

Portrait #A103 | Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont