Experiment with Lines and Colors 02

Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont

As a child, I was inspired by my grandparents' folk art and crafts that were used in daily life, which they created without any formal training or concern for contemporary aesthetics. My grandmother sometimes sewed quilts from scraps of fabric, while my grandfather fixed household objects with practicality in mind. These memories influenced my approach to art, and I now draw inspiration from local materials and everyday life.

To me, even my 10-year-old computer, which just is on my desk, is a local material resource that is for my work. Nowadays, the meaning of "local" is more complex than in previous centuries. For instance, Thai traditional art feels far removed from my abstract mind and experience compared to the unknown electronic ambient music that plays on the radio in my office. I believe that the folk art mentality is about using what's locally available both physical and digital resources to make something sincerely enjoyable for the creator.

By the way, to explore the benefits of art therapy, this week, I created a daily exercise of sketching using Perlin noise and the lerpColor() function to generate lines connecting the colors. The results of this simple exercise have proved beneficial for my aesthetic development. If not, It was fun anyway.

Saranont Limpananont 

*These sketches were made using Processing, visual art, and interactive media programming language.

Lines and Colors #123 | Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont

Lines and Colors #123 | Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont

Lines and Colors #121 | Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont

Lines and Colors #122 | Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont

Lines and Colors #124 | Image courtesy of Saranont Limpananont